The Repeater Controller is developed to be used in amateur radio repeaters. The Controller is available as a PCB with all parts soldered (no kit).
You can select 3 ways of accessing the repeater or a combination of these, which are 1750 Hz tone (EU), CTCSS and DTMF.
A GUI (Graphical User Interface) application is developed for changing of parameters and upload of firmware and speech messages. Speech messages can also be changed using a radio.
A 5-digit DTMF code used by the repeater keeper will set the controller in sysop mode, and the keeper can change most repeater parameters using DTMF.
If you like to make a link to another repeater, a link radio operating on a different band can be connected. If the repeater keeper want to have a secret frequency where he is doing sysop tasks, a command RX can be connected.
By using two radioes, a X-band repeater can be build, and this will function as a normal repeater operating on two different bands.
You can select 3 ways of accessing the repeater or a combination of these, which are 1750 Hz tone (EU), CTCSS and DTMF.
A GUI (Graphical User Interface) application is developed for changing of parameters and upload of firmware and speech messages. Speech messages can also be changed using a radio.
A 5-digit DTMF code used by the repeater keeper will set the controller in sysop mode, and the keeper can change most repeater parameters using DTMF.
If you like to make a link to another repeater, a link radio operating on a different band can be connected. If the repeater keeper want to have a secret frequency where he is doing sysop tasks, a command RX can be connected.
By using two radioes, a X-band repeater can be build, and this will function as a normal repeater operating on two different bands.
The size of the PCB is 100x120mm
- DTMF decoder
- CTCSS encoder/decoder
- 1750 Hz access tone
- Temperature sensor
- 8Mbit FLASH Speech synthesizer
- 2 voice message banks, Call and Beacon
- USB port for PC connection
- All AF level adjustments made from GUI
- 12.5 or 25 kHz AF channel filter
- Squelch level (high/low) selection in GUI
- 4 LEDs
- RJ45 connectors for radio connections
- Connection of 1 or 2 link radioes
- Connection of a command RX on link 2 port
- X-band repeater mode
- Sysop mode for parameter changes
- PC Windows GUI for parameter changes
For further information, please read the HamControllerC Manual.
PRICE: NOK 2500.-
Please contact me if you want to make an order.